Afm To Pfm 1.0
Converter between Afm and Pfm letter fonts.
All operating systems incorporate a collection of fonts by default, but this number can be later increased with the installation of other programs, especially if they are text editing programs, office tools, graphic design or web designs. In general these fonts are stored as individual files in the same system folder. There are two types: Truetype (TT) and Postscript Type 1 (PS1).
Postscript fonts come from the Adobe decription language. Afm To Pfm is a small tool with which you can convert your AFM and INF letter fonts to PFM, to be able to use them in more applications, among which are all those by Adobe.
Afm To Pfm presents a very simple interface which is a window where you can view all the files in a list, like Windows explorer, and on the right all the available options. You can add, delete, clean the list and create PFM files. Everything to make your job easier.